Air popped or microwaved pop corn?


New Member
We started using an air popper a few years ago and haven't looked back since. It doesn't give of radiation like the microwave and it has way less calories, plus I can season it anyway I like.


New Member
We eat microwave popcorn, mostly. Every once in a while though, we pop it on the stove with a little bit of oil. That really is the best tasting popcorn, in my opinion. It's not the best as far as calories, but it reminds me of when I was a kid.


New Member
I love air popped popcorn! I love putting my own butter on it! So what if I clog my arteries! It also reminds me of my childhood! I think I will pop some tonight.


New Member
We have microwave popcorn, which is awesome. Besides, I haven't made it on the stove in ages, and I don't want to keep an air popper on hand.


New Member
We've been talking about whether or not buying an air popper makes sense because we don't eat much popcorn. It would be nice to have for the times when we do eat it, but we have to find a place to store the thing.


New Member
If we are not eating it fresh from the movie theater we still go old school with the popper on the burner. I love popcorn, such a simple snack and it is not nearly as bad for you as some of the stuff out there.


New Member
Popcorn is actually quite healthy, it has a high fiber content comparable with most fruits. What makes popcorn unhealthy are the seasonings we put on it.