Alkaline Body


New Member
I've been reading that some people believe our bodies need to be alkaline and not acidic. I'd never heard that before, but it is supposed to make the body less prone to disease. Has anyone else heard of that?


New Member
Not only have I heard of it, I have been on an alkaline diet before. I have to be honest that I felt a lot better when I was on the diet. My nerve and joint pain were so much better. The problem is that it is not a cheap diet or an easy one. It is rather time consuming and costs money. I am not on it anymore but I still feel great.


New Member
I think I heard one doctor managing to kill cancer cells in alkaline environment. If that is true I think he should be getting a Nobel prize.


New Member
I've heard of the alkaline diet, but I haven't tried it. Supposedly, cancer cells can't live if your body is alkaline. I think I read that it also makes it hard for bacteria and viruses to survive, but I'm not sure.


New Member
I have heard of it, but I don't know anything about it. What does the diet specifically entail? I think it would be worth the extra money and time if it actually works.