An "F"!!


New Member
My oldest son brought home an F in algebra today. He LOVES math and I have no idea what was going through his head. I haven't quarreled at him for it but I did tell him I was very disappointed that he failed his test. I know something is going on and I can't figure out what it is yet. What should I have done?


New Member
I'd talk to him about it and find out what's going on. It might be that he reached a point where he doesn't understand it and needs some extra help or something the teacher is or is not doing. Whatever it is, you need to find out so it can be dealt with.


New Member
I haven't had this happen but I've had grades drop because of stress or things going on with friends etc. I would talk to your child and see what's been going on and ask if there is anything you can do to help. Make sure to mention how important grades are, although I'm sure you've done that many times before:)


New Member
You need to talk to him about it. If he says it is nothing then he should be in some trouble for the poor grade. Ask him if he didn't know there was a test or something like that? It could be that simple, he was not ready for it.


New Member
Talking is the best thing to do here. Try not to condemn the child for what he had done and try to understand his problems. Sometimes kids do radical things in order for us to notice them and so we would address their needs.


New Member
Wow, that's a tough one. Both of my daughter's have great grades, and if they brought home a "F", I'm not sure how we would take it. I'm sure our daughters would be terrified to bring home their report card to us then.

I agree with what other have to your son, and see what is really going on. Also, if need be, you may want to have a chat with the teacher as well.


New Member
I would expect his tutors to have some idea about what is going on, especially if he is normally good at this subject, so I would have a word with them first.


New Member
Well, we talked to him and had a conference at his school. Seems he is "in love" with a young lady in his algebra class. He has stopped paying attention to the teacher and has started talking to the young lady during the class. There is no punishment from the school for things like this so we are going to have to do something at home. What, I don't know yet but it is coming.