Another Earthquake In Japan!


New Member
These poor people have been hit so hard. I feel so sorry for them that they've had to deal with another 7+ earthquake. They have to be freaking out. I know I would.


New Member
I was pretty sad when I saw there was another earth quake and more tidal wave warnings. I hope that this is the last of it so they have some time to recover.


New Member
For real?? I didn't hear that, but then I haven't seen any news since late this morning. That just sucks! How are they ever supposed to get back on their feet?


New Member
It's really hard to hear about the never ending bad luck that country is having. It is also hard to hear the 2012 conspirators jumping on it as a way to gain followers to their theory. Here's hoping that things in Japan get stable soon.


New Member
2012 is the first thing I thought of when the disaster in Japan happened. I wish those people would stop carrying on about 2012. If you listen to that stuff long enough you start to believe it.


Staff member
The earthquake in Alaska had aftershocks for almost a year. Not sure if this was an aftershock or a true earthquake, but I see a lot more in Japans future.