Any runners here?


New Member
Just wondered if there were any fellow runners here? I only started running about 3 years ago. Now, it's almost like an addiction to me. I look forward to it every morning, and am in a funk if I don't get a chance to go out before work.

Anyone else?


New Member
That's great Kyle. I am more a walker than a runner. However, I used to jog three or four times a week when I was younger, and I loved it.


New Member
Awesome and very healthy. I don't run often but I do walk with my wife every night. I also play with the kids in the yard so I get my exercise. My knees have never really been a fan of running.


Staff member
I used to jog. I still do on the treadmill. However, I get shin splints really bad. Last time I tried jog on the road I couldn't walk the next day the shins hurt that bad.