Anyone paying attention to Egypt?


New Member
Is anyone paying attention to what is going on in Egypt? Last year they had riots and threw out their government in the Arab Spring. Now I guess they are going for round two...their military ousted their President and have taken control of the country.


New Member
Who knows what is really happening there? I don't think anyone in the world is happy with their government, especially during this time of global recession, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more overthrown.


New Member
I am watching it. It wasn't really the military acting alone that ousted the president. The majority of the people were asking for his resignation and he refused. The military was acting at the will of the people from what I understand.


New Member
That's my understanding too, BigPapa, although I must admit I'm not following the story that closely. I hope the people like the new government leaders better, once they get them in office.


New Member
Wow! A military listening to the people and not the government. I like the sound of that! I really have not been paying attention. I try to follow world news but this isn't something that caught my eye.