Appalled at some dads


New Member
I was talking to some other dads last night at a friend’s BBQ cookout. I was appalled to hear these dads talking about other boys (some of them were even their friend’s sons). They were putting the boys down because they were choosing soccer over football. Seriously? I made the comment that I did not care which sport my son played, as long as he joined something. Really why is soccer so bad? One dad spoke up and said my son plays soccer and tennis and I am fine with that! Soccer is a tough sport.

Do you feel the way these dads were talking? I was shocked and really upset.


New Member
It's that kind of thinking and talking that makes our children feel bad about pursuing their interests. I bet some of those kids would rather be playing football than soccer and their kids are afraid to speak up for fear of being called sissies. These kids become clones of their parents instead of learning to be themselves.


New Member
It is appalling for dads to be talking like that. They should be willing to support whatever sport their sons (or daughters) choose and not put down anyone else's kids for their choices.


New Member
What I feel bad about is when the parents berate their children for not wanting to do a sport. Some boys and girls want to read or make art instead of sports and that's perfectly fine. In these cases I think it's the parents trying to live on through their kids.


New Member
I wonder what they were thinking. Football is a wonderful sport and tons of people are fan of it, but it's not for everyone. I think it's fine to choose soccer instead of football, or not to choose any sport.


Staff member
Are they harming no one? Is it getting them outside and giving them exercise? If so who cares if it is football, basketball, soccer or any other sport. Good thing I was not there. My mood lately, someone would have gotten a mouthful.


New Member
I couldn't care less what sport my son plays or even if he plays one at all. I think kids should be encouraged to pursue their interests no matter what they are.