Are pacifiers nessesary?


New Member
We have been discussing this lately and I wanted opinions. I believe you can get along just fine without using the pacifier. I see too many time kids that are walking and talking with them in their mouth. Even as a baby do they need it really?


Staff member
The wife refused to use one with our daughter. She does not like them and has strong feelings about them. Her mother tried using one with our daughter one time and boy did she go off on her.


New Member
My daughter loves her binky. My wife originally said she wanted her off of it by 6 months, but she's year now and she still looks for her bink at bedtime. My wife said she doesn't care anymore because we could have much bigger problems than a pacifier attachment. It doesn't bother me one way or the other so I'm just going with it.


New Member
My son was actually teething at birth. He needed the pacifier more than just enjoyed holding it in his mouth. As soon as he started cutting his teeth though he took himself off it. I see no harm in giving it to them when they need it, just don't abuse it and use it as a substitute for eating or needing a diaper change, like I have seen many times in my day.


New Member
I don't think pacifiers are necessary under normal circumstances. I think they're more a convenience for the parents than beneficial to the child.

That is, except in rare cases like Tyler's child teething at birth. In that case, I'm sure the pacifier really did help the child.


New Member
If you don't get the child in the habit of using one, then you don't have to break the habit. I don't think they're necessary at all.


New Member
I don't believe they are necessary either. Their are so many other ways to sooth a child than sticking something in their mouth every time they cry.