Are you friends...?


New Member
For those of you that have a Facebook, and also have children old enough to use the site...are you "friends" with them on Facebook or have they not accepted your friend request?


New Member
I don't see that reason why a child wouldn't accept his dad's friend request. If it's about privacy, you can set up your permissions to determine who can access information or pictures on your wall and profile.


New Member
Of course... That was the rule before I let my kids get an account. I had to be able to see everything that they posted and everything that they did. I would not allow my children to be on any social networking site without knowing what they are doing.


New Member
I don't have a child old enough for this so it's hard to say. Right now I feel like I would rather not be her Facebook friend when that day comes. Kids need some privacy and I would be obsessively checking it!


New Member
Yes they are "friends" of mine on Facebook, MySpace, My Yearbook and a few forums that they are on. I may be too strict but I watch what they do, who they do it with, and what they are up to. When they get to the age of majority they can do as they please-IF and only IF they are no longer under my roof. Otherwise they will still follow my rules.


New Member
I am friends with my daughter who is on Facebook. I'm sure it probably embarrasses her a bit but I want to be able to keep tabs on her if needed.