arsenic limits?


New Member
This really makes me want to stop drinking water and apple juice. I never even considering this could be a problem for the things we ingest. I guess I give too much credit to the Food and Drug Administration for "doing their job".


New Member
Well, it never fails to amaze me to see what our rulers allow. I bet they don't drink any of this stuff themselves. How can ANY arsenic be safe? The fact that it's an ingredient in pesticide means that it's a killer!


New Member
Oh, yeah, I remember when they posted the results of the testing last year. Everyone quit drinking apple juice for a month or two until they forgot about it. You do know they are doing the same thing with fish and anything that comes out of the ocean right? Since Fukishima so much of the seafood has radiation that they just upped the "acceptable" limits.


New Member
It makes me wonder how many of the "higher up's" end up drinking pure distilled water instead, maybe this is why there is such a large push to only drink bottled water. We ended up spending a little more than I would have liked on a replacement fridge but I am thankful that it has the really expensive water filter on it.


New Member
You can't eliminate arsenic. It's a naturally occurring element that's already out there, plus with all the pesticide use and other uses, our soil and environment is already contaminated. There is no way to get it all out as it is naturally in the food supply now.