Babies are expensive!


New Member
I am glad we got a ton of stuff at the baby shower. I went to get diapers and wipes and I could not believe how much they cost. How am I going to squeeze this in to the budget?


New Member
Yeah, that is generally how it works out. Don't wait until you run out of supplies to buy more. What you want to do is sign up at websites that will send you coupons and deals on diapers. In the long run that will save you money.


New Member
Make hay while the sun is shining! Find a really great deal and stock up. If you have a three dollar off coupon, and the diapers are on sale, and then the store gives you some "reward bucks" you can end up getting diapers for only a few dollars.


New Member
You definately want to take advantage of every bit of savings and sales you can. If you have a chance to make a little extra money that will help out, don't hesitate. Eventually, I'm sure it will work into your budget and you'll be use to it.


New Member
Thank you God for giving me a wife that does all this. I have no patience for cutting coupons or looking for sales. When I go out and buy something my wife always tells me where I could have gone to get a better price. This is her domain entirely.


New Member
Sign up for Amazon Moms on Amazon and then follow the thrifty couple and Family friendly frugality on facebook. They do diaper deals every week and a lot of times you can get them for just a few cents per diaper. Joining Amazon Moms gets you free shipping as well. (All this from my wife to you)


Staff member
We stock up on the sales. Save our coupons, and get some coupons from others who are not using them. Typically you have to buy two packages, & wipes, and the stores will give you $5-$10 off your next purchase, coupled with coupons for everything.

The problem then is keeping just enough so that the baby does not grow out of them before you run out, and not having too large of a stock pile that you are left with a lot of packages.


New Member
At Christmas ask for Target/Walmart gift cards, people that know you will know that means diapers and if they really want to buy something that's what they'll get you.


New Member
As to the having sizes that baby can't wear Walmart will exchange unopened packages of diapers for another brand or size with no questions asked. We only use Luvs for our little boy and we had gotten several packages of other brands. My wife took them and exchanged them. You don't have to have a receipt and they don't have to have been purchased there.