Baby shower advice


New Member
My wife is getting a bit grumpy with my family. They are already talking about baby showers and what-not for the new baby on the way. She keeps telling them that since this is not her first baby she should not be given a shower. I think she is crazy ~ It’s my first child. I keep telling her it’s going to be fine… heck I have heard of some women having showers for every baby! I’m throwing this out here for any “wives” that might be on now.


New Member
I've always felt the shower is for the baby and not the mom really. It's about "showering the baby with love". If she doesn't need a lot of gifts, maybe just have a diaper shower. I think it's great of your family to want to do that for her.


New Member
That is the thing - we have nothing. My wife did not keep anything after her son was born so we could use some help. I mean, diapers would not be a bad idea either. I think the idea is growing on her though - she called my sister today to give her a list of names of people to invite.