Being A Tom Boy


New Member
Since my little one is just around me most of our spare time, she has become a tom boy. She doesn't want to wear girl clothes or shoes and she want's to make sure I buy her boy's shoes and boy's clothes. My mother is aghast at the thought but I don't think it's a problem since she's little still. Do you?


New Member
My wife was a tom boy and to an extent still is. I see nothing wrong with it, the girly girls always seem to annoy me!


Staff member
I see nothing wrong with it. My daughter loves to play outside and get dirty, and is already trying to climb trees. The wife is not too pleased, but she is a kid, that's what they do.


New Member
I don't see a problem with it, as long as your open and supportive of when she wants to do the girly stuff and it's available. One of my daughters was a tomboy until high school and then it was like someone flipped a switch.


New Member
Thanks guys. I insist she wear dresses for church since that is the custom where we go and she needs to learn that sometimes we don't get to do everything we want to do. Besides, I think she is beautiful when she's dressed up!:)


New Member
I don't see anything wrong with it either. My wife loves to get dressed up for a night out, but would rather be in jeans and a tee shirt working outside! She was also raised by her father, but I think it is great when she can tell me whats wrong with her car!


New Member
Most people seem to find it more of a problem if a boy wants to wear girly clothes and play with dolls than if a girl is a tomboy but honestly, when they are young, it's all experimental anyway!