Best sound in the world.


New Member
I think my son has the best laugh in the world. I love it when he really has a good belly laugh going, it just makes me smile and for a brief time all of life's chaos and complications disappear.

the saint

New Member
I can relate to that. It really makes my heart swell to hear my children's innocent laughter and gets the tension out of my mind and body. I wish life is not so complicated.


New Member
There is an advert on TV at the moment that consists of young babies and children laughing and it never fails to make me smile. The sound of a baby's chuckle is like nothing else in the world.


New Member
I agree with you all their is not enough words to express how wonderful the sound a laughing child is. I love it now that my son has started laughing at everything, we have no idea what he is laughing at, but it makes us smile too.