Big family gatherings


New Member
We have a huge family with a lot of family gatherings. Almost everyone gets along but there are a few who seem to rub almost everyone the wrong way. How do you handle those people?


New Member
I wish I had a really big family like that. We have a little family but we still have a person like that. My brother is always trying to start drama. We just put up with him because he is family.


New Member
The best way is just to ignore them. If they don't want to get along, no one is going to force them. I would just stay out of it. Just have a good time and don't try to get in on the drama.


New Member
I agree that ignoring them is the way to go. I wouldn't usually have time or energy to deal with their drama. Just ignore them and let them know that what they do doesn't emotionally affect you.


New Member
I do ignore that person. I try to be nice but not to spend too much time with them. This last get together our family shared a nice flu bug, yay! Lol, we share everything!