

New Member
My son is in preschool and he bit another student last week, didn't break the skin just left a mark. He has never done this before and the teacher said if it happens again he would be kicked out of school. I don't understand why all of a sudden he thought it was "ok" to do so. Hope it doesn't happen again!


New Member
Are you sure that he wasn't just playing at being a dog? My niece did this once until it was explained to her that if she bit someone, they might just bite her back! Have a word with him.


New Member
He wasn't playing a dog. They were playing with cars and he wanted to use the 'carwash' and the other kid wouldn't let him so he bit him! I had a conversation with him and he hasn't done it again yet so hopefully he doesn't.


New Member
Jessie, I understand it's a bit of a shock when they bite another child but kids seem to do this at least once when they are young, especially at the pre-school age. My boy did it too, but once I spoke to him about it he grasped it wasn't acceptable.


New Member
You really need to nip that behavior in the bud before he starts a pattern and developes a habit (no pun intended!). How did you discuss it w/him?


New Member
I agree that biting needs to be stopped right away, but it was one time and he's been talked to. I hope it was stern enough that he got the message.

I know a lady who had a nephew that bit her several times. She resorted to biting him back hard enough that he realized it hurt. He never bit anyone again as far as I've heard. I'm not recommending that method. I'm just sharing the story.


New Member
Wow! Biting her nephew back was some pretty drastic action. I'm not sure that was a wise decision, but then maybe it was what it took to get him to stop.


New Member
Yeah, this is something that is totally not acceptable. Make sure he understands that biting is strictly against the rules and if he does it again, he will be punished (toys taken away, no visiting grandparents, that sort of thing). Also, let him know how displeased and disappointed you are.