Blaming your own kids?


New Member
Have you ever been in a situation where your son (or even daughter) fought against another kid and you didn't know what actually happened? In such a situation, would you tend to you blame your kid or the other kid?


New Member
That's a tough one to answer. Of course I feel I know my daughter so I can kind of judge something based on that, but there's a risk I will interpret things wrongly. Generally I encourage both children to say their piece and not 'blame' either of them.


New Member
As I know my son to be an instigator I usually do automatically blame my son for things. He will usually fess up to it or deny it harshly if he is not to blame.


New Member
Hehe, I love your honesty Noahsdad, but Peter has a good point about wrongly judging your kid because you think you know him. I would rather get both children telling their piece before making any judgment.


New Member
My father was a school caretaker and he told tales of parents who refused to believe that their little "angel" could ever do anything bad but I am aware that every kid is capable of instigating trouble. Luckily my son knows the value of honesty so even if he is at fault, he will tell me the truth.


New Member
I would try to find out the cause and hear both of them if I'm not sure what exactly happened. But I surely wouldn't attack the other kid.


New Member
I bring up my kids to tell the truth all the time and I will expect my kid to tell me who started the fight. If he/she is to blame than I would take necessary measures to teach him/her a lesson. If other kid is responsible then I will alert his/hers parents.


New Member
I have taught my daughter that she would get in bigger trouble by telling me a lie, than telling me the truth, no matter what happened. So I'm sure that if she started something, she would tell me that she started it. And I know, because we've been in that position before. She's not a bully, but she takes up for herself, which is perfectly acceptable to me.


New Member
That's a tough situation. It's difficult not to think that it must be the other kid who started the fight and your kid just defended himself. I always encourage my kid to tell the truth to their parents no matter what though.