breast milk


New Member
I understand that it is good for the child, but how exactly do "antibodies and resistances" get transmitted via breast milk?


Staff member
I wish I knew. I did just read an article that breast milk may help fight certain cancers. My wife breast feeds for about a year.


New Member
I am not quite sure of the exact mechanism but the antibodies are simply present in the breast milk. These are what form the resistance to infections for the baby. The antibodies in the milk can be directly absorbed by the baby.


New Member
I don't know either. I just know my wife always said breast milk is better. Who knows why? lol.... I guess it's just not something I ever really needed to know. I think formula must have the same types of things in it, I don't see a lot of sick babies.


New Member
Formula today is probably the closest to breast milk as it has ever been but I think breast milk is still supposed to be the best. My wife breast fed for as long as she could.


New Member
It probably has something to do with the mothers' immune system and the childs'. The child was growing inside the mother for 9 months. That has to count for something.


New Member
My kids breastfed till they were around one and a half years old. I think my wife could not stand it that the kids already had teeth and were prone to biting which hurt her.