Brother being mean


New Member
I have noticed that my brother has been real crabby and quick to get angry lately. I know his work life stinks, but I feel that he is being a jerk to his family. I think I'm going to have a chat with him about it. Thoughts?


New Member
Talking to him sounds good but unless you are real close it may be difficult. Maybe take him away for a day, do whatever he enjoys such as hiking or fishing. Give him a chance to share what is going on?


New Member
I agree with Z. Her work life stinks so he needs to do something he really loves and enjoys. He deserves it. What is his hobby by the way?


New Member
You know your relationship with him best so it's really your call. Some people wouldn't put up with you speaking up and telling them that they're doing something wrong. He may get angry but stand your ground if you do go through with it and let him know you're trying to help and not just attacking him.


New Member
I suppose you could try giving him a brotherly piece of advice, but - unless he is aggressive - I wouldn't get to involved in his family life. Family matters should be kept private, and if your sister-in-law doesn't like his attitude, she should have a saying in this...


New Member
There can be a whole range of things that are affecting him. I know I would talk to my brother but that's just me. You have to assess the situation and what your relationship to him is before you decide to talk to him. Good luck!


New Member
Are you the older or the younger of you both? I have an older sister who still has not "grown up", she does a downward spiral every other month and keeps us all guessing if she will make it to her next birthday. Hopefully your bro is not in as bad a shape as my sis is. Sitting down to talk to someone who is willing to listen (and maybe get help) is much better than someone who sits there, stares blankly at you and lets it go in one ear and out the other.

Jerry F

New Member
I agree with KrazyRon, this is something you have to figure out on your own. Your family's situation may be different than mine. It's really something you have to work out between the two of us.