Budgeting with ever changing prices


New Member
I feel like my budget just isn't working anymore. It seems like every week the grocery bill creeps up a little higher and I have to keep adjusting to accommodate the rising prices. Is anyone else having trouble staying on track these days?


New Member
I know exactly what you're going through. I'm having such a tough time keeping up with things. I don't know how anyone can afford anything. This is something that's been driving me crazy lately.


New Member
It's almost impossible to do these days. I would allow a "range" for each item on the budget. Then if something crashes a portion of it, you will have a bit of give for that particular item.


New Member
It is certainly not getting any easier to keep to the budget. It seems like it doesn't take much of hike on just a few items for there to be a noticeable difference.


Staff member
I've been clipping more coupons, and using them when sales come around. Otherwise we think if we really want an item or not.


New Member
I have been a furious coupon clipper to. I did not realize that there would be coupons for things I use. Some things I get the off brand for, other things I get a the local grocer who is trying everything not to raise prices, so I can't help but want to shop with him and others are coupons.


New Member
We have gotten off of track a couple of months. At first I just thought my wife was splurging and not paying attention. Once she showed me the receipts I felt bad for thinking it was her fault.


New Member
We have gotten off of track a couple of months. At first I just thought my wife was splurging and not paying attention. Once she showed me the receipts I felt bad for thinking it was her fault.
Same here, Jdrake. I couldn't understand why the grocery has been going up and up and seriously cutting into our savings until my wife showed me what she was paying for certain things. She was telling me just last night that the generic brand of cheese she buys has gone up 75 cents in the past two weeks. I don't know what's worse - gas prices or grocery prices. Both, I guess. Either way, it is taking it's toll on our budgeting, for sure.