But Dad-Everyone's Doing It!

Jerry F

New Member
How often have you heard this one? I have had it with my daughter saying this! She wants to do everything that everyone else does. I can see this to a certain extent because of peer pressure but geez! It's not like I don't let her do anything.


New Member
You have no idea how many times I've heard that. I just ignore it. My kids aren't deprived of much by any means. So I just smile and look into the distance and tune out. :D


New Member
Do you know what my father would say to that: well, if others wanted to jump off a bridge would you do it too? Hahaha, such a classic. :D


New Member
Kids always have that phase. It's really hard to get through because they truly believe they are being controlled when in all actuality, we are just trying to protect them. In time, usually after they're 18, they will (hopefully!!) understand that we meant well.


New Member
I don't care, and I'm not there parent! That is my response. I do let my kids do a lot more than I did when I was their age, but if it's dangerous then no way! I hear it a lot too. That and you and mom are so strict!


New Member
I hate it when my kids say that, and they don't do it often. We've taught them since they were old enough to understand to think for themselves, and for the most part they do. Peer pressure gets the best of them sometimes, though. When that happens, I ask them if they're thinking for themselves or just wanting to go with the crowd. That usually ends the conversation.
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New Member
Oh, I hear that just about every day! I have gotten so used to hearing it, that I have started to ignore it. I let me kids do more than I was allowed to at their age, so they should be happy! They just don't get it, but they will someday...when they are parents.