Buying clothes


New Member
A few days ago it was time for a shopping trip as my daughter is fast outgrowing her wardrobe. Boy was it a surprise to see her taking an interest in what she wears. I can only imagine this is going to get harder as her opinions and tastes develop!


New Member
This is so my wife's department. Now my daughters are old enough to where they go to the mall with their friends and buy clothes. They just come to me for the cash and I leave it up to my wife to make sure what they wear is appropriate enough for whatever occassion.


New Member
Yeah, once they get a certain age, they seem to take an interest in what everyone else is wearing. My daughter used to be comfortable in a pair of stretch slacks, but now it's nothing but ripped and torn jeans.


New Member
I am thankful that the days of ripped jeans are way ahead (or so I hope!) I found it quite disconcerting that she had not just her own ideas but a good sense of colors and what went together. Perhaps I have a budding designer on my hands!