Car Accident


New Member
My wife was in a car accident. Luckily it was pretty minor in the end and she and the baby are ok but it still scared us. It was storming and she hydroplaned and then spun around a few times, hitting a guardrail in the process.

Now we need to take the car in for repairs and see how much our car insurance rates go up.


New Member
Money is not everything and cars can be fixed. I'm glad that your family did not get hurt. You have to be really careful when it's wet out. I have had a car hydroplane a couple of times on me. It is sure scary!


New Member
Yes, I was quite relieved when she said everything was ok. It scared me though. I've been cuddling with her a lot more since then.


New Member
Car accidents are scary anytime, but especially when there is a pregnant woman and/or kids involved. I'm happy to hear that everyone is okay.


New Member
I'm very glad to hear your wife and child are okay after such a horrible accident. That must have terrified her to no end. I know it would me!


New Member
I am glad that your wife and child are okay. Did you guys get a new car seat? Even if the accident was minor you have to replace the car seat...I know, yet another expense. :)


New Member
One of the scariest things as a parent is being in a wreck with your child, if it is your fault or not really does not matter at all. Driver's guilt is something that has stuck with me since my daughter was a tiny tot.

We were visiting a friend and coming out of an intersection that should be a light but was only a stop sign. A car hit us on the driver's side (between both car doors) and pushed us a good 30 feet. Make sure your wife is mentally okay too, that will stick with her for a bit of time, trust me.

On The Mark

New Member
I was in a one car accident when I was a teenager and I still remember almost every detail. It could have turned out worse then it did which is probably why I still remember it.


New Member
I am glad that your wife and child are okay. Did you guys get a new car seat? Even if the accident was minor you have to replace the car seat...I know, yet another expense. :)
No, the kids weren't with her and no car seats were in the car. When I said "baby", I meant the one she is currently carrying.

It definitely freaked her out; I've noticed she drives much more cautiously now.