Carpal tunnel?


New Member
I think I might be starting to have carpal tunnel symptoms. There are nights when I wake up and my thumb, index finger, and middle finger will be numb. I also get some tingling when I have a bit of a drive.

Could this be carpal tunnel? Is there anything I can do to alleviate these symptoms without seeing a doctor?


New Member
I don't have insurance so I can't afford to see a doctor yet about it. I also have the same issues or my hand will cramp up. I have just been self medicating with Tylenol and Motrin when it bothers me.


New Member
My sister has some issues with carpal tunnel and she sleeps with a hand and wrist brace when it flares up. She says it helps quite a bit. You might try and see if that helps.


New Member
I would think a hand and wrist brace, pain reliever and an occasional soak in very warm (as hot as you can stand) water would ward off most discomfort. When it gets to the point that these steps don't work, it's time to see a doctor.