Caught in lie


New Member
How do you deal with your kids if you know they are not telling you the truth about something? You are not supposed to know the truth though – so how do you let on to them that you do know. It’s not a big thing (no one will get hurt) it’s just the lying that bothers me.


New Member
Well, it can be tricky. Depending on the situation, I would tell them that I have already known what really happened, and I just want them tell me the truth by themselves.


New Member
I guess that depends on how you know the truth? My mother used to blame her knowing on someone else telling on us or she'd just say she knew when she didn't to try and bluff the truth out of us.


New Member
I think if you really dislike lying and want to teach them about it you have to role model what not lying is all about by just being honest that you know the truth and that you are disappointed they lied.


New Member
I think there are different ways to go back about it depending on the kids age. Are you talking about a 4 year old who is still understanding what truth and lies are, or are you talking about a teenager?


New Member
The age thing does make a difference. For a kid who should know better, I would blast them with the truth and humble them so they would know lies don't fly with me.


New Member
I am amazed that some kids learn to lie at so early ages. The habit of lying should be discouraged. I would tell them that I know things, and they cannot lie to me.


New Member
I think it depends. If the lie is insignificant I will talk about the consequences of lying, give them another chance, and then tell them I know the truth. Sometimes even if I don't know the truth, I give the impression that I do. It's a sneaky trick but it works.