Changes are being made


New Member
Right now I am getting older and thinking more about my health than I may have ever done in my life. Little things are sneaking up on me and the changes to my diet are also changing how my body feels both good and bad. Does anyone know of the common changes that should be going on so I can stop being a worry wart??


New Member
Do you mean like having less energy or your joints starting to ache? In my case the changes as I get older are more about feelings than any physical things. Like I find myself less tolerant of stupid people etc!!


New Member
My Dad always talked about having less energy as he got older, and he was always frustrated that he couldn't do as much as he "used to". That seems pretty normal.


New Member
Do some stretching and exercises to keep your spine supple and strong. It's said that you will stay young as long as you keep your spine supple and strong.


New Member
There has been a little joint pain but I can blame that on being silly in my younger years and putting pressure on them incorrectly, like skate boarding for example w/my ankles. Its a bummer going up and down steps and they "pop". :(