

New Member
I enjoy playing chess and have just started teaching my godson how to play. These days it is harder to find people to play against, which is a pity as I think the strategy involved is useful for focusing the mind. I am looking forward to my daughter being old enough to learn.


New Member
I learned the basics of playing chess when I was a kid, but it was never a game that I enjoyed very much. You're right, it does involve alot of strategy and focus, something I was never really good at as a kid.


New Member
We have a smaller chess game that we keep out in the dinning area year round. Its great when friends come over as we tend to not really have any specific person playing another. Someone always takes a side and the games continue on through out the year. :)


New Member
I played chess a lot when I was younger, especially when I still studied in college. You are right that now it's harder to find interested people to play against. I don't have enough spare time to play it often anyway.


New Member
Bighelp, I like the set up you have, I may try that myself. It's a shame that chess seems to be less popular than the instant action computer games. I shall continue to try to convert youngsters by giving them a chance to learn.:)


New Member
You know what, I just played online chess after reading the thread, and I lost. It has been years since the last time I played the game in person, and I have never played online chess. So I am happy that at least I didn't lose too easily.