

New Member
It's a rainy day where we live and it's getting colder so I guess it's time for chilli. The kids love my chilli and they beg me to make it.

2 cups dry beans (I use a mix of kidney, pink, and red)
2 large onions
2 bell peppers
1 pound ground meat
2 large cans diced tomatoes
1 large can tomato sauce
1 fist of garlic
1/3 cup chilli powder (try less at first all chilli powders are different potentcies)
2T oregano
2T garlic powder
2T paprika
Salt and black pepper
three bay leaves
3 pounds frozen cauliflower
1 pound frozen brocolli
1 pound frozen green beans
or any vegetables you choose

Soak beans overnight. boil in water until tender, Drain.
Brown meat, set aside
cook onions and peppers in olive oil until the onions start to turn translucent. add one fist of crushed or chopped garlic. cook until the garlic smell changes. add the beef back in add all the spices excepts salt and pepper and bay. Stir for a minute. Add tomatoes, sauce, beans and bay leaves. Allow to simmer until it's almost done. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add frozen vegetables and let simmer for about a half hour more.


New Member
I am going to try your recipe. I love chili but I have not had it for ages! There is no better meal for a chilly night then a nice hot bowl of chili with cheese and onions drizzled over the top.


New Member
I'm sure someone else posted a chili topic on here somewhere.... or at least I remember answering it. This does sound good. We have chili all the time in the fall and winter. We actually had a big pot of it last week.


New Member
I just realized I forgot to post a very important ingredient. cumin. You need 2 Tablespoons of cumin or it does not have that "chili" flavor.