

New Member
I go to a chiropractor and I get great results. My brother takes his kids to see a special chiropractor for kids. Is this a good idea?


New Member
I think it is best to take your kids to a kid specialist because that way you don't have to worry about your child getting hurt. I'm not saying a normal chiropractor couldn't get the job done, but I would personally feel better.


New Member
There bones are growing and developing by them self the way they should, I'd stay away from a bone setter when they are still in development, I'm by no means a specialist but I imagine they would do more harm than good.


New Member
I'm not sure about having kids go to the chiropractor. I do all the time but of course I'm grown and have had an injury in my past. I love it and feel so much better after the adjustment. They go to a lot of training to be able to do what they do so I'm not sure what to tell you about the kids.