Coaching your kid's sports team.


New Member
Does anyone here coach their kid's sports team? I have some good memories of my dad helping out my little league team. But things have gotten alot more competetive and parents are more demanding. Do you or would you coach your kids team?


New Member
My daughters best friend does, and I don't think I'd have the patience he does, putting up with some of the parents, scheduling, etc... It looks too much like work.


New Member
My son plays on an Upward basketball league and I have helped coach for the last two years. I really like their program. It is religious based, so they teach the kids some type of life lesson each week as a part of practice. But they also provide great materials for coaching. Each week is outlined in the coach manual with skill sets to teach and everything. Made my life a lot easier when I agreed to do it. I had always played basketball... never coached it.

Overall, the program does a really good job of making sure all the kids get equal playing time. It is a 1st - 6th grade program, so one of the goals is to get the kids experienced for when school leagues take over.

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New Member
I know a few that do but I would never have the patience for it, I take all sports way too serious and I have as feeling I would end up with an upset parent on my back yelling at me and getting me roweled up too much.


New Member
I have helped out with a couple of teams, running drills and such. But, I would never want to take on head coaching responsibilities. There's just so much more than teaching the game involved it can really take the fun out it.