Colon tests


New Member
It is about time for me to get my colonoscopy and I am dreading it. It is the part before that makes it horrible. Does anyone have any tips for colonoscopy preparations?


New Member
I've never had one, but I'm going to have to. My insurance company sent a letter to my doctor that I need to get one, so I don't think it's something I can skip. If I don't get it done and then something happens, I just imagine insurance wouldn't pay because I didn't get the test.

I'd sure like some tips about how to prepare mentally. What do mean by "the part before that" stayathomepaul?


New Member
Make up lots of green and yellow jello. You can't eat any of the red or orange stuff because the dyes in them stain your intestines and makes it harder to see problem areas. Drink lots of water and be close to the bathroom at ALL times. Oh and you can eat the blue jello if you wish. Also they let me eat clear broth. Make sure you have someone to drive you home afterward. You'll be quite out of it or I was at least.