Colorado Shooting


New Member
Did you talk to your kids about the Colorado shooting? My son is a big Batman fan, so we are suppose to see the movie tomorrow. He knows about the shooting, but hasn't asked or said anything about it. I can't decide whether we should have a discussion about it or not.


New Member
How old is he? Depending on how old he is it may be a good time to touch base with him on his life, how is he doing. The scariest part of this is how a kid could snap like that.


New Member
If you are taking him to see the movie and he has heard anything at all about it I think that you pretty much have to tell him something. I think that the easiest route to go is that he was a bad man with mental problems and he hurt some innocent people. I also think that you should reassure him that you will always protect him as best you can.


New Member
Am glad all my kids are grownup but i have a 5-year grandson who is a Batman fan. I have not yet spoken with him but I hope my son-in-law already did.


New Member
I would lean against it at this point unless you are willing to go into depth with him about it. Planting a seed in a child's mind can cause even more fear than you are hoping to extinguish.


New Member
My kids are still young, and they don't have any reason to learn about the shooting. If they were a bit older, maybe I would use that as an opportunity to explain evil people, and to always watch out for everything.

But, I don't think that would be until they are around 10 years of age, at least. They don't have any real reason to learn about this incident. It will only scare them, and make them afraid of things like going to the movies.


New Member
Sure why not. I mean it's okay to say that someone did the wrong thing. Tell him that it won't happen when you go to the movies. It's a shame that people have to ruin things for other people. My kids are older and they are the ones that told me about the shooting.


New Member
I think this ones the first time in history about a killing spree that happened in a movie theater. And hope that it would be the last. I don't think that the Batman movie could be one of the culprit here, as it may happen to anyone's movie. I remember years ago about people putting syringe (apparently contaminated by the HIV virus) in theater seats. It makes me more careful when in movie theaters now and I think the shooting indecent would make us even more careful that ever.


New Member
I would lean against it at this point unless you are willing to go into depth with him about it. Planting a seed in a child's mind can cause even more fear than you are hoping to extinguish.
Despite the choice of names Ravenfan is a smart man :p If he is worried about it he will bring it up, otherwise it may cause more problems than just letting it go. I think if he had any issues he would have brought it up by now. - signed a die hard Steelers Fan :p:p:p


New Member
I did not bring it up to my kids. They have learned gun safety from a young age and know to respect a gun and treat all like they are loaded. It is a tragedy, but if the person had been properly screened it would have been easy to avoid the issue.


New Member
I would only talk about it if he expresses concern/asks about it. Reassure him that it is very statistically unlikely that anything that horrible in nature would ever happen to you as a family, 'cause it's true.