Company Downsized


New Member
My son's company went through major downsizing. He kept his job, but some of his close coworkers lost theirs. My son is grateful to still have his job, but I think he feels guilty that so many don't. Has anyone gone through that? What can you say to help?


New Member
I have seen that happen to people I know. He can not spend too much time feeling guilty about it. It is not his fault they lost their jobs. Feel bad for them, sure, but not guilty.


New Member
Yeah, he shouldn't feel guilty because it's not his fault. Moreover, losing a job doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Sometimes it is instead an opportunity to find something better.


New Member
I have never had this happen before it its very odd with hiring and firing lately. I know some people that walk into a new company thinking they are better than everyone else, challenge the boss and then end up fired trying to blame the same company. The economy is really weird right now.