Connecticut elementary school massacre


New Member
I have gotten very little done today because I have been watching the news coming out of Connecticut. I don't understand how anyone could kill a bunch of school kids like that. Thoughts and prayers to all of the victims and their families.


New Member
It's too much. I left work early to be home with my wife and kids. It makes me so angry that something like this has happened.


New Member
This situation chills me to my very core. The thought that anyone could think he has the right to take the lives of innocent children is frightening beyond belief.


New Member
Something like this is gut wrenching. We need to go back in history and find out what happened around the time these massacres began. Something had to change in society and we need to find out what it was.


New Member
Sick is what it is! I don't understand and I doubt we will ever know why. I am trying to not watch anymore on TV about it. It seriously makes me want to puke!


New Member
I couldn't do anything more than stare at the TV when the news channels started broadcasting about this. I don't understand how a person could kill one child, let alone twenty. And his own mother! He killed his own mother, too! I'll never understand this. It made me realize how precious my wife and son's lives are.


New Member
You're right, Timothy. It is unimaginable why someone could hurt other people. I also cannot fathom why acts of violence like this persist. Have the parents done something wrong to make their kids "killers?" Have society? Where do we go from here? This has got to stop now.


New Member
A television news article in my area ran a blip about how automatic assault weapons sales in his store reached an all-time high in the days following these shootings. People are expecting gun laws to become more restrictive and wanted to get their guns while they still could. Where do our real priorities lie?


New Member
After this happened many of the schools sent notes home with their children on how to talk to them about this very issue. I know some of the people in our area volunteer at the schools and many of the teachers were upset over this but they also said they would do the same thing, protecting their students at any cost.


New Member
A television news article in my area ran a blip about how automatic assault weapons sales in his store reached an all-time high in the days following these shootings. People are expecting gun laws to become more restrictive and wanted to get their guns while they still could. Where do our real priorities lie?
I know quite a few people who have/are picking up an AR for Christmas in light of all this, and honestly if I had the money I would too. I don't really expect gun laws to get more restrictive because so many people have them already. Ammo prices will be what goes through the roof. People seem to think that laws will put a stop to these senseless acts. As far as I know, it is illegal to kill people in all 50 states. Criminals don't too much care about following the law though.


New Member
I'm not trying to pull the thread too far off topic, but why does the average Joe need an assault rifle? I could understand standard rifles for hunting all day long, or even a hand gun for self defense purposes, but where is the necessity in the assault rifle?


New Member
It just seems to me if that deranged young man had not had access to his mother's stash of guns, would those precious children be alive today? Weapons of mass destruction have no place in anyone's home closet.


New Member
I don't know, Leon. It seems to me that he had some mental problems, and if he was disturbed enough to go into an elementary school and kill almost 30 people - 20 of which were children - I don't think not having guns in his own home would have been enough to stop him. If he couldn't get the guns from home, I think he would have gotten them elsewhere.