Coughing and age


New Member
My mother in law is 78 and she coughs all the time. All the doctor did was giving her some medicines to take and he said almost nothing about what happened to her. He just said that it's because of her age. It doesn't make sense to me.


New Member
Was she a smoker? Of course if so, then you would have a good idea why. I don't really know what would cause someone to cough so much unless they are sick. I don't remember any of my grandparents coughing just because of their age.


New Member
I think that is ridiculous. I don't know many senior people coughing all the time just because they are old. Sports has a good question here, and I hope she doesn't smoke. :)


New Member
It could be from a number of things but if the doc has ruled all things out (smoking, allergies, a cold) maybe he went ahead and put her on some general med's to see how they work out. Not every illness is a quick easy fix.


New Member
I randomly cough and most times its nothing but I could see with older people how some might worry. As long as the person is in good health though there should be nothing to worry about.