

New Member
My son knew how to count to 10 by the time he was 2 and then he stopped. He wouldn't count for us at all. And at 3 1/2 claimed he couldn't. Why would he go from know to not and refusing? How am I going to get him in kindergarten if he won't count?


New Member
That is a difficult situation! Have you tried to find out why he thinks he can't count? Perhaps he has memorized 1-10 but isn't sure he understands what the numbers actually many kids memorize the ABC's but have no idea that what they are reciting actually make up the words we speak; the same can happen with numbers.


New Member
My suggestion is to try and make a game of it. I have gotten my son to do and try new things by disguising it as a game. Even a simple game a catch or putting away toys can turn into a counting game.


New Member
Making it a game is great. This is where I do have some video and computer games that I love. If I were you I would go check out starfall. It is a learning website that helps teach numbers and letters and my 3 year old loves it.