Couponing (extreme)


New Member
My wife was complaining a couple of days ago about these 3 women at the grocery store. She said they were giving the cashier a hard time about coupons. Looks like they were trying to use more coupons than the store allowed (limit of how many per order). The manager came to the cashiers rescue and they stuck to the policy. She was saying that more and more people are becoming like this and wonders if it is from that Extreme couponing show.

Believe me, we are all for saving money and using coupons but you can do it in a nice way. It’s people like those women that will get coupons tossed out all together.


New Member
I don't think it's from the coupon show. I think it's always been that way. I've been seeing people like that for years and for some reason it's more often elderly people. I like saving money but if the coupon says something, that's the rule. I am always stuck behind the coupon-obsessed people at stores like Walgreens.


New Member
I have never even seen that show. I don't think it is from the show or that it has always been that way. I think more and more people are worried about money and trying to do everything possible to save money.


New Member
I don't have a problem with people who use a ton of coupons, but you have to go by the store/coupon limitations. I don't see the point of arguing with a cashier about store policy.