Did you want to be a dad?


New Member
Did you want to be a dad before you became a dad? I was always very unsure of if I even wanted to have kids and my wife kind of convinced me. It took so long for us to get pregnant we thought it was not meant to be and then one day she was. I still wasn't sure through the pregnancy but the first time I held my daughter and looked in her eyes I knew we had done the right thing.


New Member
I was on the fence on whether or not I wanted to be a dad before I got married, and my wife was pregnant. But, now that I am a father...I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my daughter so much, and the newest little one who will be joining us soon!


New Member
I come from a large family. I have lots of brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. My niece was born just after I got married and I remember saying "I want one of these".


New Member
Nope. Well, let me re-phrase that - I didn't want to be a dad at the time that my first wife got pregnant. She knew it, but she stopped taking the pill anyway. My plan was to wait a while, build up some equity in the house, advance my career a little, and just generally get myself more settled down than I was. I wouldn't trade my son for anything, but it really blind sided me when she told me she was pregnant.


New Member
Well, it certainly wasn't planned for us, but when we found out I was pretty excited. My wife and I had actually planned on not having kids at all, but I'm really happy that we did. I think I was looking forward to it more than my wife - she just stayed in shock for 9 months :)


New Member
I always wanted to be a Dad. I could imagine taking him (or her) to ball games, teaching him to throw and catch, that kind of stuff. I just had to find the right woman, and now my son is 5.


New Member
I always dreamed of being a dad (now I am), even before we got married. We used to joke about kids, and I used to treat her carefully as if she got pregnant. :D