Dietician Or Nutritionist


New Member
I thought a dietician and a nutritionist are the same, but I was reading today and they aren't. Their training is different. A dietician is trained within the established medical training. A nutritionist is trained outside of the established medical training. Would that make any difference to you?


New Member
Depending on the circumstances, yea, it would make a difference. For example, if I had diabetes, I would want a dietician. If I was just trying to lose weight, a nutritionist would be fine.


New Member
From what I remember a dietician is a specialized nutritionist so yes they are kind of the same thing, but not exactly. I know those who take culinary art classes end up with a dietician title as well.


New Member
I'm just the opposite, Salazar. If I had a serious disease, and I actually do, I would want a nutritionist who was not trained within the same system as modern doctors.


New Member
I dunno, could I have the option of choosing both of them. If I were sick I would want to take every angle possible to get myself well again.


New Member
I had a dietitian once and things did not turn out well. I felt like I was to constrained by what medicine thought should happen and the real world.