

New Member
Do you ever have days when you are just so overwhelmed by everything you need to do that you can't get anything done? I have two invoices that I need to get sent and the worksheets are still sitting here on my desk waiting for me to total them up. As you can see --- I am on here instead of working.


New Member
Do I ever. Sometimes, the more I think about what needs to be done, the more I don't have the strength to do it. My wife has been nagging me to fix the sink, the mower, the AC. It has been three days. I'd rather watch TV all day, if I can help it.


New Member
I have a hard time when I get behind. It really messes me up and it seems to take forever to get back on track. I find myself avoiding things too if I get behind and then it gets worse.


New Member
Lately most of my days have been like this. The stress from everything is just causing me to be a confused mess that can't get anything done. I walk around the house thinking I have something to do and next thing I know I have been puttering around for 20 minutes.


New Member
Hey guys, are experiencing what called 'senior moments'? Whenever I feel I am getting into that 'confused' state, I sit back, maybe have a cup of coffee (or beer, if its a warm day) and ponder the day. The moments of peace helps me sort thing out and focus on the priority items.


New Member
Hey guys, are experiencing what called 'senior moments'? Whenever I feel I am getting into that 'confused' state, I sit back, maybe have a cup of coffee (or beer, if its a warm day) and ponder the day. The moments of peace helps me sort thing out and focus on the priority items.
I think it is more of a stress moment than a senior moment. I tend to take on to many things at once and don't realize it until it all piles up on me. I am going to sit down and look at my schedule tonight and see what I can eliminate or put off until next week.

R. Paradon

New Member
I am not exactly Mr. Organization but when I have things to do that I would rather forget about I make a list and number the items as to their importance. Then one by one I will tackle them. I'll do one and then take a "well needed break" and hit the next one.


New Member
Yes, that happens to me sometimes. Then I start one job, remember something else and go do it. Then I remember the first job I was only halfway through and next thing I know I am midway into 3 or 4 jobs and just keep hopping from one to another.