Dispute over discipline


New Member
Do you and your wife ever have a dispute over discipline? Say your daughter gets a hold of your phone, deletes your contacts by accident. You feel she should be punished, but your wife does not think so. How do you proceed?


New Member
My fiance and I just talk about how to discipline her 3 year old. We don't fight, just talk about it. And we don't contradict each other, what one says goes. Luckily we are on the same page with discipline as many families are not.


New Member
We've extensively discussed how we've going to handle discipline and it sounds like we agree on most things. I think the most important thing is that if we ever do disagree we will not argue about it in front of our daughter. No matter what, we realize that we need to present a united front in order for discipline to be effective.


New Member
We pretty much talk about what's going to happen before we do any discipling. If it's something that would endanger the child's life, we pretty much agree what to do. Otherwise we do the grounding and banning electronics.


New Member
The worst thing you can do is contradict each other. If you don't agree on how one person has choosen to discipline, then it should be discussed away from the child.

As far as your phone example, it depends on the age of the child and whether or not I should have kept it in a more secure area so that they couldn't get to it.


New Member
I agree with Big John, never be at odds in front of the child when it comes to discipline. If your spouse does something you don't agree with, discuss out of earshot of the child.