Division of Duties


New Member
How are duties split in your home? I do about half the cleaning and all of the outside work, and I cook most of the time. My wife takes care of the bathrooms (bless her!) and laundry and always does the dishes. She refuses to do lawn work though.


New Member
I wish my wife were more of a duties person. She doesn't cook much, she doesn't clean much, she's always tired and she expects me to do all the yard work. I also babysit. She babysits, studies and tells me what needs doing. This doesn't sound good, does it?


New Member
My wife does all of the cleaning, while I take care of the "manly stuff" like maintaining the car. Neither of us cook. I bring home the majority of the income, so it works out just fine having her do most of the chores.


New Member
For the inside chores, my wife will let me know what she needs help with. I do most of the outdoor chores. When I'm home (I travel a lot), I take care of most of the childcare duties to try to give my wife a break.


New Member
We have never really had "his and hers" but we tend to swap the chores (and always have). It keeps both of us from getting too bored with the same ole same ole.


New Member
My wife does most of the cleaning and cooking because she is home more than I am. When we both worked, and before we had kids whoever got to what needed to be done first would do it.


New Member
My wife does more of the chores like cleaning, laundry and cooking. She works from home so it works out better this way. I make sure her car is taken care of, take care of home repairs and maintenance and do the groceries. Works for us.