Do you have a favourite?


New Member
I know you aren't supposed to but, of my four daughters, the first was my favourite probably because she was born with a slight deformity of her spine that had to be corrected so she spent some time in hospital as a tiny tot. Do you manage to hide it? Hopefully I did.:D


New Member
My daughter with my second wife is my favorite. I think it's because I actually get to help raise her and my wife respects me as a capable father. My ex treated me like a complete idiot all the time when it came to the kids so I never really got to enjoy being their dad.


New Member
I try not to show favorites either. I have a step son and a son and sometimes I know I can be partial to 'my' son, but love them both dearly.


New Member
I don't know, but of course I favor the one who is always looking up at me, following me around and idolizes me. Does that count?