Do you think I should?


New Member
My wife is pregnant and pretty sick from it. She loves to garden and spruce up the yard in the spring, but she's not able to do much these days. I was wondering if you all think it would be a good idea to surprise her for her birthday by starting it? Do you think I should leave her territory alone?


New Member
I think it would be a wonderful idea for you to get her garden started for her. Since she is not feeling great it might allow her to do something with the garden. Other wise she might not do it at all.


New Member
I agree - go for it!! If you get it going maybe she'll at least be able to get out there and water the plants and feel semi normal. And she'll have the plants to look at too while she's outside. If there was no garden at all this year, it would probably be depressing for her.


New Member
It might be a good idea to talk to her about it first. She might have a plan in mind even if she's not physically up to it. She would probably love it if she could participate in some way and if you approach it together.


Staff member
I would have to agree with Jack. I've tried doing things for my wife and while she loves the fact I tried, she was upset it was not done her way.


New Member
I think go for it. She would hate more looking at it everyday all messed up. What you could do so it is not too much of a surprise is maybe make a certificate that says you will be her garden/yard slave for such or such amount of time. You know how the like all those paper that they can keep for ever.


New Member
They appreciate the effort anyway. My wife had knee surgery last year and I did the gardening along with some help from a buddy. We built a retaining wall I had promised her for some time and she was thrilled. I really think it depends quite a bit on the woman.


New Member
I would have to agree with Jack. I've tried doing things for my wife and while she loves the fact I tried, she was upset it was not done her way.
I think it's a good point. It's nice to try but it would be better to do it the way she wants it is done. But it wouldn't be a surprise anymore?


New Member
There is never a bad time to surprise someone but to avoid overstepping any of her territory you can always do something semi small. After that then offer to do a larger project for her at a later date if she likes the idea.