Do you watch more television in the Winter?


New Member
The holiday re-runs are over and I am back to looking forward to my favorite shows again each week. It made me start thinking how in the summer, there are hardly any new shows to watch and I don't miss it all that much. It's probably because I spend so much more time indoors in the Winter months.

Do you watch more television in the colder months? About how many hours a night do you watch? What else do you do to occupy your time if you aren't a tv watcher?


New Member
I don't watch much T.V. because I spend my time on the computer. In fact, none of the family watches it much. My wife doesn't like the shows and the kids are busy doing other things.


New Member
Most definitely, we watch more tv in the colder months. During the summer we spend most of our time outside that we hardly even think about television. I can't wait for summer to role around again.


New Member
We watch a lot of movies all year long. We don't pay for t.v. so that stops us from watching shows and such. We stay in and watch more movies during the cold winter months though that is for sure!


New Member
I would say that I watch more television in the winter. I'm not the type that likes being outside in the cold, so during winter, I pretty much hibernate. That means lots of television and tons of computer.