Doctor appointments?


New Member
Do you go to every appointment with your wife? I try to make every one. I think I have only missed one so far. I think my wife really appreciates that I make an effort (to get out of work) to be there.


New Member
Back in the day, I was not able to be at every appointment and I could really feel my wife's disappointment. If I had to do it all over again, I would make a bigger effort.


New Member
I went to the ultrasounds but not to the regular appointments. Unfortunately I didn't have that much time available and I wanted to be home when our son was born.


Staff member
I will make the big ones, and try to be there for the smaller ones. But some of the follow ups I do not make.


New Member
I was able to go to a pretty good amount of them. It was especially important for us because my wife had a couple of complications. When I wasn't able to be there, I made sure someone was going to be going with her.


New Member
With our first baby I never missed an appointment, each child afterwards I've gotten to less and less of them. I'm usually at home with the other kids while she goes now.