Does bad eyesight run in families?


New Member
I'm the only one in my family who doesn't wear spectacles and my 2 year old niece was recently diagnosed with long sightedness. They said it was genetic so surely that means that I should have some problems?


New Member
My wife and I have been wearing glasses all our lives. I am concern about my boy having eye sight problems since our problems started when we were quite young.


New Member
Well, my son is only eight and has been wearing glasses for two years already. My mother and sister wear them too so I think it's about time I had my eyes tested!


New Member
Yeah, it's genetic. My family has extremely small eyes and I started wearing glasses when I was three years old-they aren't quite as thick now but I still wear them. My mother is blind now and my older sister is going that way. The whole family has trouble with their eyes.