Dogs in the Bed


New Member
Do you let dogs sleep in the bed with you or your kids? I don't have a problem with it, and have always let dogs I owned in the bed with me, but my wife isn't having it.


New Member
We have three dogs so it would be a nightmare if they were in bed with us. They all have their own bed in their own corner of our room and they know to stay off of our bed. We do have one enormous cat who sleeps with us though.


New Member
Currently we have no dog but if we had, I would have no issue letting them sleep in bed with the kids. Of course if I had three dogs as you do, they would have to sleep in their own bed.


New Member
I do not let the dog sleep with us, mostly because my wife is a tiny bit allergic. She is fine unless his hair is in our bed. He does sleep with the kids and everything seems to be fine with that.