Eating and bedtime


New Member
We all know you're not supposed to eat anything within two to three hours of bedtime, but does everyone actually practice that? I can't seem to kick the habit of having a snack right before bed.


New Member
For the most part I do unless its when I am feeling under the weather, eat some soup and go right back to bed. I think thats the only time I break the rule even though its not something I really think about when I do it (or I should say, don't do it).


New Member
We actually usually eat dinner right before we go to bed. I know it's not a great habit, but by the time we get the kids down and sit down a minute it's bedtime!


New Member
I usually get in a light snack before bedtime. I try to make sure it isn't heavy, but I can't help it. I love my nighttime snack while watching TV. Popcorn is my favorite.