Electronis in their room.


New Member
My teen daughter wants her own computer so she can do school work (hmmm) in her room. She says she needs to have some quiet. We have said no to the telelvision in their rooms and fear if the kids have these things in their room, they could retreat in there and we'd hardly see them.

Do you let your kids have a computer or tv in their room? What can we do as an alternative?


New Member
My wife is pretty set on not letting the kids have anything like a computer or television in their room. We are fortunate that we have extra space including an office/study room, where we keep a computer for the kids to use. Otherwise it's too hard to keep an eye on what they are doing.


New Member
We have made the decision that our kids will not have electronics in their rooms. We want to keep tabs on their computer use, so they will use the pc in the family room or can take my laptop to the playroom downstairs... but both areas are open so we can see what they are doing. Same with tv... they can watch in public areas of the house.

Mobile post from Droid land on Tapatalk


New Member
It is important to let the computer face the door and not your daughter facing the door. But if you have an option to reserve a quiet space in your house as study room, then this is a much better option. The rule remains the same. Let the computer monitor face the door. The rationale is, when you come into the room or even just peep inside, you as a parent should be able to see what she's seeing on the monitor.

Thirdly, make use of K9 or other filters that disallows your kid to visit known adult sites.